7222, ROOSTER WHITE 12″H are anatomically scaled to create the best reproduction of the life size stuffed animal and the most realistic stuffed animal in the industry.
There are several chicken breeds having solid white as the most typical plumage color, such as Leghorn, Dorking, Bresse Gauloise, Polish, Wyandotte and others.
An adult male chicken is called a “rooster” and an adult female is called a “hen.” Roosters are larger, usually more brightly colored, and have larger combs on top of their heads compared to hens.
10 fun facts about chickens
1. Chickens are living descendants of dinosaurs
Chickens are the closest living relatives of dinosaurs! Scientific evidence has proven the shared common ancestry between chickens and the Tyrannosaurus rex.
- Chickens aren’t completely flightless
Chickens were domesticated about 8000 years ago, and evolved from the Red junglefowl, which are tropical birds living in the jungle. These wild birds fly to escape predators and to roost high up in trees. Today’s domestic chickens still have the ability to fly, although not as effectively. Chickens can fly for short distances – enough to clear obstacles or reach a perch.
- Chickens can dream
Research show that chickens experience REM (rapid eye movement) while sleeping, meaning they can dream just like us! They also have a sleep phase that humans don’t experience called unihemispheric slow-wave sleep, where one half of the brain is asleep and the other awake. This means that chickens can sleep with one eye open, which is especially useful when watching for predators.
- Chickens have better color vision than humans
Like humans, chickens have color vision, and are able to see red, green and blue light. However, what makes chicken vision unique is that they also able to see ultraviolet light, namely the colors you see using a black light!
- Chickens have complex communication
Chickens have over 30 unique vocalizations they use to communicate a wide variety of messages to other chickens, including mating calls, stress signals, warnings of danger, how they feel, and food discovery.
6. Chickens have great memories
Highlighting their long-term memory capabilities, chickens are able to recognize over 100 different faces, even after being separated for extended periods of time. These faces are not just chickens, they can recognize the faces of humans too!
- Chickens bathe by covering themselves in dirt
While this may seem contradictory, the dirt is essential to helping chickens stay clean! Chickens have a gland on their back used to spread oil over their feathers to make them waterproof. Over time, the oil goes stale, and chickens need to wash the old oil off through dust bathing. Dust bathing is when chickens crouch on the ground and spread dirt or another dusty material over their body. The stale oil sticks onto the particles of dirt, and gets shaken off. Chickens can then spread fresh oil onto their feathers.
- Chickens have a pecking order
Chickens live in groups called flocks. The social structure of these flocks depends on a hierarchy called a pecking order, which is an order of dominance. All chickens know their place in this order, helping to maintain a stable, cohesive group.
- Egg shell color can be determined by the hen’s earlobe
Ever wondered what causes the difference between brown and white eggs? It depends on the breed of the hen, but not the color of feathers revealing what the egg shell will look like. It’s the color of the hen’s earlobes! Generally, hens with red earlobes will lay brown eggs, and hens with white earlobes lay white eggs, with some exceptions of course. Although the color of the eggs may differ, the nutritional content or flavor do not.
- Chickens are very intelligent animals
Studies have shown that chickens are self-aware and can distinguish themselves from others. They learn from one another, such as a chick learning from her mother which foods are good to eat. Chickens can also demonstrate complex problem-solving skills.
12.65(L) X 5.60(W) X 12.80(H)
HANSA CREATION, INC. Farm Animals is HANSA CREATION’s hand-crafted collection of realistic plush animals. It takes great pride in each enchanting work of soft sculpture art, carefully designed to educate, fascinate, captivate and inspire creative play for collectors of all ages.
Artists create each HANSA animal from portraits of the creature in its natural habitat appropriately called Hansa Creation Portrait’s in Nature. It is HANSA’s uncompromising integrity in design and quality standards that has charmed collectors for generations and continues to mesmerize new collectors of all ages.