2940, Piglet Hand Puppet and Award Winning Toy from Folkmanis
With its sweet smiling face and curlicue tail, this PIGLET PUPPET is all yours to sing along with your favorite barnyard tunes, zip-line through the forest, or snuggle in your arms.
2012 DR. TOY’S Best Vacation Products.
Fun Facts for Kids
- If you try to pick a pig up, the animal will resist until it’s back on the ground. Pigs in general are very afraid of being taken up.
- In rural areas, you can often hear the saying “living the life of a pig”, which is usually addressed to spoiled children or very rich people.
- Pigs are highly intelligent and easily trainable animals, learning various tricks even faster than dogs. At 2-3 weeks old, piglets have already learned their own names and usually respond to them. As a matter of fact, they are the fourth most intelligent animals in the world only to chimpanzees, dolphins, and elephants.
- Another unique feature of pigs is their unusual gait. When walking, these animals use only 2 toes on each foot, due to which they seem to walk on tiptoe.
- Hippopotamus are distant relatives of pigs.
- During a long period of time, China used to hold the largest population of domestic pigs around the world.
- Pigs give out a shrill, high-pitched squealing noise of up to 115 decibels, which is 3 decibels higher than that of a supersonic Concorde.
- In order to bring pigs together, farmers simply produce a yelling sound, to which they instantly respond.
- As Winston Churchill said, “Dogs look up to a man. Cats look down at a man. Pigs look us straight in the eye and see an equal.”